Tuesday, March 15, 2011

guy..guys.. you know what..? i ve found this joke and im gonna share with ya'll. have a nice LOL! =)

Tahun lepas sainitis Russia korek tanah
sedalam 100 meter, diorg terjumpa la
kesan wayar copper yg berusia 1000
tahun… and membuat kesimpulan bahawa
nenek moyang mereka ade telephone
network… .woo bes..

Pas tu, saintis Amerika tak puas ati,
diorg pun korek gak, sedalam 200
meter… diorg lak terjumpe talian fiber
optic lama yg dipercayai berusia 2000
tahun… lalu membuat kesimpulan, org US
1000 tahun lagi advance dari org Russia
dalam komunikasi telefon yg lagi canggih
dari diorg… ..pergh canggih…

Saintis Malaysia plak try try gak, diorg
korek sedalam 500 meter… pastu diorg
report la, diorg tak jumpe ape2… ..so
diorg wat kesimpulan; 5000tahun dahulu
nenek moyang org melayu sudah tahu
menggunakan teknologi wireless!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

What The Heckk???

Yesterday i did some friends searching in fb. I look for each of my friend's profile, looking at their albums, pictures, information, mutual friends and everything. Then I stopped at one of my friends profile. Her name is SM (not a real name). She was my old friend. She is a very chubby and quite dark skin person. and of course not so beautiful.
But I'm not going to talk about her physical appearance. I'm going to talk about general; girls that same as her type. You see, if we were someone that is not so attractive, we will try to show a good side of our self right? But nowadays i didn't see any of that in any girls that i know. when i looked at her profile pic, she is not only free hair, but she is wearing skirts? also shirts that shows her breast lining? What the hell? C'mon. you are not that beautiful, so please do not show the parts that making u look awful!
That is not only what I'm seeing at her profile. Whats inside is the worst! The albums, the photos, oh my GOD! If my mom saw my photo just like my friend here, she gonna faint. But i dont know about SM's mom. One of the albums name is New Year 11. All of the photo in there were at a concert and hotel room (?)
Lemme story a lil bit bout the pic at the concert. there was a guy dancing but more like drunk. Take off his shirts in front of everyone, girls and boys hugging each other. What the hell? Some of SM friends in the photo are same as her. big body, but very sexy. some of them with their bf. hugging each other like the malay saying: Macam belangkas.
Then the pic at their hotel room. OMG! they actually let the guys enter the room?? What the HELL?? I cant continue writing this. I felt very sad.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

2/3/2011. the most f*** up day in this month.. i got a bitch warning me to delete her photo from my album, i got non-stop work for today, then my wife getting her last stage of surgery, then i was stuck in a traffic jam when im on my way to meet my best friend to watch Beastly. the bad news is, the ticket redeem time is over.
why am i keep frustrating all the people that i've met? from the day i born, my family frustrated with me coz im a very crybaby. each time something goes wrong, i cried. i always had a big fight with my big bro. we fight for everything.
as the time goes by, my parents sent me to a Tahfiz school. they expect me to remember 30 verse of Al-Quran. unfortunately im not good at my memory. then the head master said "either you quit, or i expel you." seems to me that i don't have other choice eh? so i continue my study to a day-school.when i was in form 3, i made my Arabic teacher frustrated coz i failed her subject. she is so frustrated till she dont speak to her student anymore.
then i moved to technical school. i met many new friends. in fact, all of them are my new friends. i've seen many faces and attitudes. some can be friends some are not. on the last day of my school, i've made my leader frustrated with me coz i was involved in a fight. then, no one trusted me after that exept my best friend. i've made many people frustrated with me.
and the latest, i've made my best buddy frustrated. he waits for me for hours coz i'm late. damn it!. why cant i change myself! s***! i just wanna say sorry to him. i am so f***ed up!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Duhai Isteriku yg Tercinta

Isteri tersayang sedang dalam pembedahan. kesian dia. dah lebih 2 minggu dia tersadai kat bengkel. Hari saya bawak balik barang dari kolej pun dia tak dpt berjasa. Maklum lah, dah berumur. Tahun '88 lahir, sampai sekarang masih berjasa lagi! Sayang awak ,Prado.
Mulanya nak tukar minyak enjin. tukar oil filter skali. malangnye tengah jalan2 test drive, tiba2 brek kosong. nasib baik yg test drive tu profesional (bapak aku). kalau saya yg test drive.... huh.. tak dapek den nak nolong.
Nak cite pasal kos maintenance pulak, adoi! bak kata orang tua2; semakin besar saiz sebuah kereta, semakin besar kos maintenance. kalau anda rajin, meh kita sama2 keluarkan buku kira2 atau kalkulator. minyak enjin diesel 12liter/2 tong= RM200+, oil filter=RM50+, brake pad 1 set(2 keping 1 tayar)=RM1000, brake oil 1liter=RM20.

dah 2 hari macam ni.
tak ada barang & tak ada masa untuk repair
sebab banyak kereta lain nk kene repair.

Brake pad
benda ni satu set je dah RM 1,000.
waduh, mana mau cari wang!

Front Brake

Rear Brake

Brake oil container (yang warna kuning)

After being left for 5 hours (look at the asphalt).
To soultan: this is what happen when you put your feet under the tire.