Friday, October 7, 2011


tiba2 rasa nk konsi cerita lak.. aku letak nama sebenar je la.. aku nk ni jd pengajaran kpd org lain.

Bagi seorg lelaki, kita mesti nk seorg isteri yg ciri2 fizikal nya, bertudung kn? tudung labuh lagi bagus. kalo berpurdah, lagi la suka kn? tp pernah tak kita betul2 kenal sorg yg berpakaian mcm 2? kita pernah dengar kata2 "don't judge a book by its cover". mksd jgn nilai buku dari luaran. mcm ne kalo kita tgk gmbr buku kat luar cantik, tp bila baca bosan? apa yg kita buat? msti berhenti baca kn? jadi jgn nilai seseorg tu xpkai tudung, dia rosak. aku ada kawan yg pkai tudung nak taknak je.. kejap ada, kejap xde. mcm biskut Chipsmore. tp dia xpernah tinggal solat.. ada hadis aku dga kat, cerita psl sorg lelaki mengadu kat Nabi S.A.W., jiran dia ni buat jahat memanjang. Baginda tanya, dia solat 5 waktu? ya jawap lelaki tu. baginda cakap sabar. tiap2 hari dia mengadu je bnda yg sama & baginda jwp yg sama. smpai la lelaki tu tak mengadu lagi. sbb nye jiran dia dah berubah jadi baik. jadi solat 5 waktu ni adalah jaminan seseorg 2 dapat berubah. selagi dia tak tinggal solat, dia akan berubah jd baik.

jadi ni kisah yg nk dikongsi. aku ada berpacaran dgn sorg gadis. personaliti baik, peramah, & penyayang. pakaian tudung labuh atau t-shirt labuh atau jubah. study kat KUIS kos Bachelor in Arabic as a Second Language. kenal dari program motivasi. nama Masthurah. perkenalan hampir setahun. smpai la tarikh 24.12.2010. dia ajak keluar waktu malam. mula2 bwk kwn dia melawat pkwe kat hospital. dah balik umh dia, dia ajak gi jalan2. smpai la dia tiba2 ckp, "ingt tak mas pernah cite pasal Halim?". ak ckp "mamat yg kete wira 2 ke? prebet sapu 2?" dia ckp ye. pas2 dia tunjuk msg "Abg Halim; abg sayang mas".
darah aku berderau. pas 2 dia ckp ada benda nk cite. tp mkn dlu la.

aku singgah kat KFC Semenyih. hajat nk makan tp tutup pulak. aku ajak makan kat burger tepi jalan je. lps makan ak tnye dia, ape yg dia nk cite. tiba2 dia mengangis. dia cakap, "mas minx maaf. mas dah tak suci." aku terkejut. ape yg jadi? aku rasa nk pitam. ak tnya dia bnyk2, dia x jawap. dia menangis je. mcm2 ak pikir. smpai la perkataan HALIM terlintas kat otak aku. aku tanya dia; "apa yg Halim dah buat kat mas?" dia terdiam. terus dia mengaku. dia dah buat hubungan kelamin dengan Halim. kat Hotel kat PD. aku langsung rasa nk pitam time memandu.. hampir2 kereta terbabas sbb perkataan 2.. dia minx halim datang jemput dia sbb ingt aku nk bunuh dia.. haha.. dia suruh hantar sampai KFC Semenyih tadi. aku pn tunggu.. kemudian datang la satu kete wira no plat WPH 3458.

mas dengan pantas masuk dalam kete 2.. kemudian pintu driver terbukak. gaya mcm dia nk keluar kereta.. tp x.. cermin kete gelap.. aku xnmpk ape yg ada kat dalam. aku klua dari situ aku pusing smpai dorg klua nk balik. aku ikut dari belakang. smpai kat bukit mahkota, dorg tiba2 ajak minum kopi. (WTF??). tp dia berhenti kat tepi tol. ak jmpe sndiri ng Halim. dorg rupa2 nye dah berkomplot kat dalam kete 2 utk tipu aku. dorg tukar cerita ckp dorg xbuat. aku pn trus percaya. tp hbungn ak ngn Masthurah tetap putus walau aku merayu sekalipn.

4.8.2011, aku tgh seronok men game lepas berbuka dgn kawan kelas. secara tiba2, bilik aku diserbu dgn unit disiplin. dorg cari student nama Fitri. dh jmpe, dorg rampas phone & laptop aku. alasan nk jadi bahan bukti atas pe yg dah jadi kat Masthurah. dipendekkn cite, aku pn tanya sebab apa. rupanya sebab Masthurah dah mengaku yg dia terlanjur dgn Halim. kemudian dia jumpa isteri halim & mengaku yg dorg dah pernah buat hubungan seks. aku dijadikan bahan utk lepaskn diri. pengajaran, kita xkenal org, jangan kita dah kata dia baik mcm malaikat.

untuk pengetahuan pembaca, Halim seorg pelanggan pelacur. Kawan Masthurah sendiri mengaku yg halim sangat gatal & ajak dia buat hubungan seks.

sedar atau tidak?

kita selalu salahkn ibubapa bila ada kes remaja buang anak. kita tuduh ibubapa tak bagi didikan agama yg btul.. tapi sedar atau tidak, dorg dah cuba sedaya upaya utk jadi ibubapa yg terbaik. malah yg wat kes2 mcm ni biasanya anak2 yg berlatar belakang kan sekolah agama. ini sebenarnya atas kesedaran anank2 sendiri. remaja sekaranag yg dah rosak. rosak dengan hiburan yg melampau.

contoh hiburan yg melampau; Korea. kalau tanya remaja kenapa minat korea? jwpn yg paling banyak; diorang hensem/cute, cite korea romantik. secara tidak langsung, peminat2 korea ni suka kat lelaki yg romantik. dan yg lelaki pulak, nk jadi se-romantik yg mungkin. tipu la kalau pmpuan tak suka lelaki romantik. tapi jujur kata la, lelaki romantik ni sebenarnya lelaki miang. sedar atau tidak, diorang boleh pikat lagi ramai awek2 yg cntik kat luar sana dengan ke-romantik-an diorang tu. yg lelaki pulak, kalo ramai yg minat kat korang, tandanya harta korg nk kne kikis la 2..

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

life is a race

i don't know how to define race in life. life is too short for race. sometimes i feel like the future is too pitch black. nothing to see in front. all we have is just a bit of faith that sometimes can be too fragile. all this while i always feel that something will happen in my future. but this time, i don't.

i can't really see myself in a diploma certificate, i can't see myself graduating with my friends, i can't see myself doing a job, i can't see myself owns a house, or a car, even my dad's car. and the most that i can't see is me in wedding. having kids, having family. i feel like this this the end of my future. or is it? damn! curse you b*tch!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

guy..guys.. you know what..? i ve found this joke and im gonna share with ya'll. have a nice LOL! =)

Tahun lepas sainitis Russia korek tanah
sedalam 100 meter, diorg terjumpa la
kesan wayar copper yg berusia 1000
tahun… and membuat kesimpulan bahawa
nenek moyang mereka ade telephone
network… .woo bes..

Pas tu, saintis Amerika tak puas ati,
diorg pun korek gak, sedalam 200
meter… diorg lak terjumpe talian fiber
optic lama yg dipercayai berusia 2000
tahun… lalu membuat kesimpulan, org US
1000 tahun lagi advance dari org Russia
dalam komunikasi telefon yg lagi canggih
dari diorg… ..pergh canggih…

Saintis Malaysia plak try try gak, diorg
korek sedalam 500 meter… pastu diorg
report la, diorg tak jumpe ape2…
diorg wat kesimpulan; 5000tahun dahulu
nenek moyang org melayu sudah tahu
menggunakan teknologi wireless!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

What The Heckk???

Yesterday i did some friends searching in fb. I look for each of my friend's profile, looking at their albums, pictures, information, mutual friends and everything. Then I stopped at one of my friends profile. Her name is SM (not a real name). She was my old friend. She is a very chubby and quite dark skin person. and of course not so beautiful.
But I'm not going to talk about her physical appearance. I'm going to talk about general; girls that same as her type. You see, if we were someone that is not so attractive, we will try to show a good side of our self right? But nowadays i didn't see any of that in any girls that i know. when i looked at her profile pic, she is not only free hair, but she is wearing skirts? also shirts that shows her breast lining? What the hell? C'mon. you are not that beautiful, so please do not show the parts that making u look awful!
That is not only what I'm seeing at her profile. Whats inside is the worst! The albums, the photos, oh my GOD! If my mom saw my photo just like my friend here, she gonna faint. But i dont know about SM's mom. One of the albums name is New Year 11. All of the photo in there were at a concert and hotel room (?)
Lemme story a lil bit bout the pic at the concert. there was a guy dancing but more like drunk. Take off his shirts in front of everyone, girls and boys hugging each other. What the hell? Some of SM friends in the photo are same as her. big body, but very sexy. some of them with their bf. hugging each other like the malay saying: Macam belangkas.
Then the pic at their hotel room. OMG! they actually let the guys enter the room?? What the HELL?? I cant continue writing this. I felt very sad.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

2/3/2011. the most f*** up day in this month.. i got a bitch warning me to delete her photo from my album, i got non-stop work for today, then my wife getting her last stage of surgery, then i was stuck in a traffic jam when im on my way to meet my best friend to watch Beastly. the bad news is, the ticket redeem time is over.
why am i keep frustrating all the people that i've met? from the day i born, my family frustrated with me coz im a very crybaby. each time something goes wrong, i cried. i always had a big fight with my big bro. we fight for everything.
as the time goes by, my parents sent me to a Tahfiz school. they expect me to remember 30 verse of Al-Quran. unfortunately im not good at my memory. then the head master said "either you quit, or i expel you." seems to me that i don't have other choice eh? so i continue my study to a day-school.when i was in form 3, i made my Arabic teacher frustrated coz i failed her subject. she is so frustrated till she dont speak to her student anymore.
then i moved to technical school. i met many new friends. in fact, all of them are my new friends. i've seen many faces and attitudes. some can be friends some are not. on the last day of my school, i've made my leader frustrated with me coz i was involved in a fight. then, no one trusted me after that exept my best friend. i've made many people frustrated with me.
and the latest, i've made my best buddy frustrated. he waits for me for hours coz i'm late. damn it!. why cant i change myself! s***! i just wanna say sorry to him. i am so f***ed up!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Duhai Isteriku yg Tercinta

Isteri tersayang sedang dalam pembedahan. kesian dia. dah lebih 2 minggu dia tersadai kat bengkel. Hari saya bawak balik barang dari kolej pun dia tak dpt berjasa. Maklum lah, dah berumur. Tahun '88 lahir, sampai sekarang masih berjasa lagi! Sayang awak ,Prado.
Mulanya nak tukar minyak enjin. tukar oil filter skali. malangnye tengah jalan2 test drive, tiba2 brek kosong. nasib baik yg test drive tu profesional (bapak aku). kalau saya yg test drive.... huh.. tak dapek den nak nolong.
Nak cite pasal kos maintenance pulak, adoi! bak kata orang tua2; semakin besar saiz sebuah kereta, semakin besar kos maintenance. kalau anda rajin, meh kita sama2 keluarkan buku kira2 atau kalkulator. minyak enjin diesel 12liter/2 tong= RM200+, oil filter=RM50+, brake pad 1 set(2 keping 1 tayar)=RM1000, brake oil 1liter=RM20.

dah 2 hari macam ni.
tak ada barang & tak ada masa untuk repair
sebab banyak kereta lain nk kene repair.

Brake pad
benda ni satu set je dah RM 1,000.
waduh, mana mau cari wang!

Front Brake

Rear Brake

Brake oil container (yang warna kuning)

After being left for 5 hours (look at the asphalt).
To soultan: this is what happen when you put your feet under the tire.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


i just came back from this 'program'. im not gonna tell what program is it, but ill tell you when i succeeded in this program. we might need to use our mind a little bit. just to remember what did the speaker told us what to do.
right now what i need is to ask help from my friends, find myself, fix myself, push myself to the limit! no more fooling around! no more playing around! i must success! no more pampering myself! i know what i must do! i must do what i know what to do! I want to to prove to her, to my family, to my friends, to them, to everyone, I have changed!
after i succeeded, I will pull EVERYONE to join my success! I'll help y'all! I'll change your life!


Saturday, February 26, 2011

i text her recently. i told her how much i miss her. she said her love for me is over & never return to love me again. she said that there is someone better for me than her self.
then i said; i will wait for you. i know deep in ur heart, u still love me.
she said; there is no more.
i said; i remember the first time we meet. we don't love each other on that time.
she said; the difference is this time not just no more, but never.
i asked; just because u TAUGHT that i have someone else?
she said; whatever taught now are too late. things already happen. now im looking foward to someone else but this time it'll be more serious.
i said; there is no one else that i love than my family, friends & you.
she said; God plans the best for us.
i said; & u are the best for me. I've climb Jabal Rahmah to pray that you'll be the best for me. I've humbled myself to God so that you'll be the best for me. i really love you.
she said; u will forget me 1 day.
i said; if you can forget me, its a lie. if i can forget you, its a lie. if you don't love me anymore, its a lie. if i can hate you, its a lie. don't lie to yourself or others. or else others will lie to you. my love towards you never lie. if i was lying, i never love you this far. but till death i wont lie to myself.

why did she still have in mind that i have someone else?? ****!! WHY?!! can anyone told me?? WHY?!! PLEASE!! for 3 month i suffer just because she said i have someone else?? WHAT THE ****!!!

Shooting Stars.

Talking bout shooting stars, have you ever seen one with ur own eyes? well I've seen it twice. it was very mesmerizing. i feel like i was in a heaven, looking at something that is really, really, totally rare. it shoots from one star to another star. the first time i saw it, i feel like my eyes tricking myself. but on the second incident, i feel like i was a very special human.
The first time is when i was with my family on vacation at Terengganu. on that time, i was laying on the sand on the beach, looking at the skies, counting the stars, texting my girl, then i saw it. I feel like "Wow, what a very romantic moment". i can never forget every thing about that moment. more over, i just had a quarrel between me and my little brother. when i saw the shooting star, i feel like all my problems just lost.
The second time, when i was dating with my girl. well, this time im not having a very good moment tough. there was a very big problem happens to us. but still, i can never forget it. when i was talking to 'this guy', i look up into the skies and there it was; the shooting stars. it really mesmerize me. then again, i feel like all my problems lost. unfortunately, she didn't see it. well, may be i really are a special human. =p
sedang melayan lagu Airplane - B.O.B. ft Haley, tiba2 terkenang si dia. kebetulan pula, saya sedang msg adik lelaki dia utk bertanya khabar dia. hmm.. tanpa saya sedari air mata mengalir. bukan kerana kisah silam, tetapi kerana mendapat berita dia akan ke Syria. ada program untuk kos dia. bagaimanakah rasanya berjauhan dengan dia? bagaimana jika dia bertemu dgn lelaki2 Syria yg hensem2? pastinya diri ini diketepikn. hmm. sedih memang sedih, tp kne tabahkn hati. kalo dpt apa2 berita yg tak sedap didengar, kne terima dengan hati terbuka walaupun terpaksa. mungkin sbg petanda yg diri ini belum bersedia untuk mencintai seseorg.

Bruno Mars Talking to the moon lyrics

Friday, February 25, 2011

Coldplay - Fix You

saya baru hidup!

pernah tak rasa putus cinta sampai frust menonggeng? kita dah cuba sedaya upaya untuk memperbaiki hubungan yang retak tetapi dia tidak peduli tentang usaha kita. kadang2 kita tak sedar yang kita dah mencintai seseorang itu sampai la dia memutuskan hubungan. kadang2 kita tak sedar yang sebenarnya dia tak mencintai kita macam apa yang kita harapkan. sebenarnya ada satu je yang kita tak sedar; dia bukanlah untuk kita. terpulang kepada kita untuk menerima siapa dia sebenarnya.